PRINK PRODUCTS S.L is a multinational company based in Madrid that focuses its activity on the IMPORT and EXPORT of various product lines, always within the ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH and WELFARE markets, with offices in Europe, Asia and South America.
This is the basis of our society which, together with business development at the international level, make up the two main axes in which all the operational lines that we have today are framed.
Our concern for diversification in new business lines and the internationalization of the company, understood as engines of growth, have been the keys to our results and progress as a company.
In the BIO PLASTICOS division we have a factory in Southeast Asia and distribution centers in Europe and South America, while in NUTRICOSMETICA, COSMETICA and FARMACIA we are partners of several European laboratories with a center in Buenos Aires for the packaging and distribution of our products in the Latin American market with special attention to the Mercosur countries.
From our societies we develop and look for products finding solutions to the needs of import and export between different countries of the world.
We are committed to the world of health and well-being, as well as helping to conserve nature and the environment by communicating and transferring all our knowledge to make our health a lifestyle and our planet a pleasant place to live.
ESPAÑA – Razón social: c/ Luchana 4 2ª B 28010 – MADRID – Oficina Barcelona : Avda. Cataluña 46-48 1º – 3ª – 08757 – Corbera de Llobregat – BARCELONA
SUDAMERICA – Oficina Buenos Aires: c/Francisco Bilbao 1356 Piso 2 Dpto7 (CP 1406) CABA -BUENOS AIRES-República Argentina.
VIETNAM – OficinaHo Chi Minh City: CIRCO’s 1st-2nd Floor, 384 Hoang Dieu Street, District 4 –HO CHI MINH CITY